Resources For Keyboard Junkies

An astounding number of people have made building or modifying keyboards their hobby or part of their vocation. I’m amazed at how many videos are on youtube about this topic. And there are some fantastic resources for those who want to learn more. So I’ve collated links and pointers to help those who are curious. A custom keyboard is other-worldly. You should join the crowd. is a fantastic online blog/newsletter with weekly editions. You might call it an intersection of makers and keyboard enthusiasts. This site includes some very one-of-a-kind creations and ideas. It includes keyboards, keycaps, ergonomics, and everything else included in designing and building keyboards.

I particularly like Ben’s Youtube channels. He does some out-of-the-box thinking, is unusually articulate with his reasoning and findings, and seems to have an uncanny ability to learn strange layouts. While his choices are sometimes too extreme for me, I love that he’s forging paths in new directions for our benefit. Check him out!

There’s a lot of material on Reddit.

Other miscellaneous youtube channels I’ve watched now and again. There are many, many more.

I listed some commercial, non-affiliated keyboard sites below. Let me know if you’re a good vendor and want to join the list.

You may have some other great ones I missed. Please post them in the comments section to help the rest of us out.